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handwritten by the author.
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so expensive material
handwritten synonym
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
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from a printed book, reproduction
handwritten by the author.
mostly in monasteries.
so expensive material
At the same time, many antique
written on the parchment was scratched out
European glory, and even after
The most common form
manuscripts underwent in the Middle
handwritten books were made,
elements (case, binding).
Since the era of Charlemagne
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
inventions of typography
One of the most skilled calligraphers
consists of the book itself
secular brotherhoods of scribes.
from lat. manus - "hand" and scribo - "I write") [1]
"Julia's Garland" (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
new texts were rewritten
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
drafts of literary works
... As a rule, the manuscript is called
ancient and medieval Latin,
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